Todd Shinkunas, BA
Processing Services Specialist
Todd graduated from the University of Iowa in 1996 and began working full-time as a processing services specialist with ILEB in November of 2019. Todd previously worked for ILEB from 2007-2016 as a laboratory technician, and as the eye bank's first distribution manager. During his time away from ILEB, Todd worked as a research support coordinator for the Visual Field Reading Center with Iowa Health Care, where he managed activities associated with multi-center clinical trials in Ophthalmology.
Rakeli Ntawuyitegeka
Processing Services Specialist
Rakeli joined ILEB in January 2023. Prior to joining ILEB she worked at Iowa Health Care for six years in the Neuroscience Intermediate Unit and in a junior unit managed by Respiratory Specialty and Comprehensive Care Unit called the Video Monitoring Unit.
Chelsea Green, BA, BS, CEBT
Processing Services Manager
Chelsea graduated from the University of Illinois Chicago with her bachelor’s degree in psychological research and minority studies, with a minor in pre-med. She joined the eye bank in 2017 as a tissue processing specialist. Chelsea operates as a tissue processor as well as a tissue circulator for the eye bank.
Emma Berger, AA
Processing Services Specialist
Emma joined ILEB as a part-time cornea recovery technician in September 2022, transitioning to a full-time processing services specialist in October 2023. She received her Associate of Arts degree from Kirkwood Community College in 2022.