Perfect the Transplant, Prevent the Transplant

Iowa Lions Eye Bank is committed to engaging in cutting edge research activities that will revolutionize our understanding and treatment of eye disease. Our dedicated research team, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff at the University of Iowa, is tirelessly seeking out new discoveries and technologies that will improve eye banking practices and help restore vision loss.

Descemet Membrane - Endothelial Cell Proteomics

Descemet Membrane-Endothelial Cell Proteomics

This high throughput, mass spectrometry analysis gives insight to how diabetes affects corneal endothelial cell mitochondria. Visit our data sets page for a full download of data.

Protecting Corneas in Storage

Protecting Corneas in Storage

Amphotericin B treatment of donor tissue in storage is a safe way to combat against fungal infections in transplant recipients.

Diabetic Rat Model

Diabetic Rat Model

The first characterization of diabetic corneal endothelial cells in a rat model. This model is a good means to study the effects of diabetes on both donor tissue and recipient transplant success.

Contact Us

Email or call Greg Schmidt, Director of Research & Business Development, for more details.

Phone: 319-335-4117

Meet our Research Team

Greg Schmidt

Greg Schmidt, MBA, CEBT

Director of Research & Business Development
Hanna Shevalye

Hanna Shevalye, BS

Research Associate
Jessica Skeie

Jessica Skeie, PhD

Research Scientist
Tim Eggleston

Tim Eggleston, BBA, BSE

Research Associate