Be An Eye Donor - It's Simple
Anyone can be an eye donor. Here's how you can sign up in Iowa:
- At the DMV: When you get your drivers license.
- With Outdoor Licenses: When you get your hunting, fishing or trapping license.
- Iowa Donor Registry: Sign up online.
After you sign up, make sure your next of kin is aware of your wishes. At the time of death, a short series of questions must be answered to qualify your donation for transplantation. If you pass away in a hospital, your death will automatically be reported to the Iowa Donor Network, which manages referrals for the Iowa Lions Eye Bank. However, if you pass away outside of a hospital, it’s important to designate someone to notify the Iowa Donor Network at 1-800-831-4131 within two hours of your passing.
Host a Registry Drive
Help Grow the Donor Registry! Host a free, easy donor drive in your community and earn Silver Cord or community service hours.
Invite Our Participation
We can provide presentations, tables at community events, and other outreach activities.
Support Our Mission
Your gift funds vital equipment, public education, and groundbreaking research. Together, we can restore sight and change lives!
Visit Our Headquarters
We provide tours of the eye bank in Coralville upon request. The best days for tours are Thursdays and Fridays.