Iowa Drivers License

Be An Eye Donor - It's Simple

Anyone can be an eye donor. Here's how you can sign up in Iowa:

  • At the DMV: When you get your drivers license.
  • With Outdoor Licenses: When you get your hunting, fishing or trapping license.
  • Iowa Donor Registry: Sign up online.

After you sign up, make sure your next of kin is aware of your wishes. At the time of death, a short series of questions must be answered to qualify your donation for transplantation. If you pass away in a hospital, your death will automatically be reported to the Iowa Donor Network, which manages referrals for the Iowa Lions Eye Bank. However, if you pass away outside of a hospital, it’s important to designate someone to notify the Iowa Donor Network at 1-800-831-4131 within two hours of your passing.

Volunteers at ILEB booth

Host a Registry Drive

Help Grow the Donor Registry! Host a free, easy donor drive in your community and earn Silver Cord or community service hours.

Francie giving a presentation to Iowa Lions

Invite Our Participation

We can provide presentations, tables at community events, and other outreach activities.

Esther receiving a donation for ILEB

Support Our Mission

Your gift funds vital equipment, public education, and groundbreaking research. Together, we can restore sight and change lives!

Adam giving a tour of ILEB

Visit Our Headquarters

We provide tours of the eye bank in Coralville upon request. The best days for tours are Thursdays and Fridays.

Francie Williamson

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