Mark Greiner, MD (Iowa Lions Eye Bank) Graduates from
AAO Leadership Development Program
On December 5, Dr. Mark Greiner completed his participation in the American Academy of Ophthalmology's (AAO) Leadership Development Program XXII. Mark was part of a select group of twenty physicians comprising the LDP XXII, Class of 2020. These physicians were nominated by state, subspecialty and specialized interest societies; Dr, Greiner was nominated by EBAA.
Dr. Greiner’s LDP journey began in November 2019 with an orientation session held during AAO’s Annual Meeting. In January 2020, he took part in a 2½ day interactive session in San Francisco covering a wide variety of leadership and association management topics. The class also visited AAO headquarters to hear from the 2020 Academy President Anne L. Coleman, MD, PhD, CEO David Parke II, MD and Academy Vice Presidents on the Academy’s key priorities. This LDP class was the first to experience the Academy’s new Truhlsen-Marmor Museum of the Eye which was still ‘under development’ during their visit.
The next scheduled LDP program was the Academy’s Mid-Year Forum 2020 in Washington D.C., in April, but the event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, LDP participants were encouraged to attend the virtual Hill Day on May 12, at which Dr. Greiner and other ophthalmologists met with Iowa's Congressional representatives and their staff to discuss issues important to ophthalmology. The Academy held a virtual LDP session on June 9, Get Politically Active, during which the LDP Class of 2020 heard from Bill Clifford, MD, an ophthalmologist and LDP alumnus with years of advocacy experience at the state and federal levels and who was running for U.S. Congress in Kansas’ first district. Dr. Clifford shared insights on running for elected office, building effective relationships with legislators and how best to advocate on behalf of patients. LDP participants also shared their personal experiences regarding the virtual Hill Day.
Dr. Greiner says, "Participating in LDP XXII was an amazing experience! It taught me about elements of leadership that I had never considered; provided a roadmap and guides for successful project creation and execution; and reinforced how important great partners are in any great project. AAO’s partnership with EBAA and other state and specialty-specific organizations is an invaluable resource for building the future of ophthalmology."
Said Kevin Corcoran, EBAA’s President & CEO, “Mark Greiner has served EBAA and the eye banking profession in countless positions, from eye bank medical director to chair of committees to two terms on the Board of Directors. Each of these roles demonstrated his inherent leadership skills; the LDP program simply helped him discover a new facet of his strengths and capabilities.”
Join EBAA in congratulating Dr. Greiner! We look forward to his continued leadership at the Iowa Lions Eye Bank and throughout the EBAA.