Friday, March 20, 2020
Covid-19 Response

Iowa Lions Eye Bank COVID-19 Response:

At Iowa Lions Eye Bank, our top priority is ensuring that all donor corneas that are processed for transplant are safe for recipients. We are closely following guidelines and protocols put in place by the FDA, Eye Bank Association of America, and the CDC amid the COVID-19 pandemic. While our screening process has become more robust, many Iowans continue to choose donation and committed to restoring sight to others.

We also take the safety and health of our staff, community, and partners very seriously. With the ongoing spread of COVID-19, Iowa Lions Eye Bank has canceled all in-person events through at least the end of April. Instead, we will be celebrating National Donate Life Month (April) virtually.

Iowa Donor Network's Green 5k, sponsored in part by ILEB, which was previously scheduled for April 18th is now postponed until the fall. We will update you when a new date is set.

Please be sure to follow us on Facebook as we continue to raise awareness about organ, eye, and tissue donation and celebrate the heroes who have given the gift of life and sight.

We thank you all for your patience and support during this dynamic situation. Please take care of yourselves and one another in the coming weeks.

Esther Baker, Iowa Lions Eye Bank Executive Director