Monday, April 15, 2019

The heartfelt letter below is just one example of how corneal transplants greatly improve a recipient’s quality of life. Scott Bowman from Maquoketa, IA received his cornea transplant in June 2018 at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics:

Scott Bowman

Dear Donor Family,

My name is Scott, and I would like to offer my sincere condolences on the loss of your loved one. I am a farmer and retired firefighter who has spent most of my life helping others—never thinking that one day I would be the one needing help.

About a year ago, I began experiencing vision loss for unknown reasons. I was seen by numerous doctors, who after many attempts to help were unable to, thus resulting in my loss of vision. Local doctors then referred me to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (cornea) specialist, but at this point, I was unsure if I would ever be able to see again.

After months of appointments and numerous medications, Dr. Mark Greiner determined a (cornea) transplant was needed. Thanks to your loved one’s generosity, the transplant was a great success. I am now able to see my children and grandchildren, as well as return to farming. Your loved one’s gift of sight has allowed me to live pain free daily, in addition to restoring my vision. The simple things in life, like the sun rising and setting, or my grandchild being born, are experiences your family has given back to me and my family. I am forever grateful to have received this gift from you and your loved one.

Thank you—from myself and my family!